Streamlining Communication

As educators, we face a hefty cognitive load daily–from juggling classroom dynamics to adapting lesson plans due to an unplanned fire drill. That's why I'm all about a good acronym and a reliable template. Simplifying our communication process means we can direct our efforts where they truly count: supporting students in their academic, social, and emotional growth.

To ensure that our messages are clear, effective, and focused, consider using the FLARE template for conversations with caregivers

Positive Communication Classroom

F: Frame (Opening): Start by setting up the conversation as a positive one. Greet the guardian warmly and mention that you're reaching out to share some good news about their child.

L: Layout (Set Context): Provide context for the positive moment you're recognizing. Mention when and where the behavior or action occurred, such as in class, during an activity, or in a particular situation.

A: Actions (Explain the Choice or Action): Describe the specific behavior or action of the student that you're recognizing. Whether it's their effort, growth, or a particular choice they've made, be detailed in your explanation.

R: Review (Share the Positive Outcome/Impact): Explain the positive outcome or impact of the student's behavior. If applicable, mention how their actions affected others or contributed to the learning community. (Do not use other students’ names out of fairness to the other students.) 

E: Empower (Affirm and Close): Affirm the student's effort and/or the value you see in their actions. Close the conversation by expressing your appreciation for their behavior and encouraging them to continue demonstrating positive traits.

By using the FLARE framework, we ensure that our communication with families and caregivers revolves around celebrating our students' successes and cultivating a positive classroom atmosphere.

Then when we do need to reach out to problem solve or share a challenge, we’ve already built a connection, which increases trust and strengthens the family-school partnership.

And remember: this approach isn't exclusive to students. Consider applying it in your interactions beyond the classroom to recognize and appreciate positive actions wherever you encounter them.

As a thank you to our newsletter subscribers, we're giving away our exclusive FLARE template for FREE!


Erin Pollack, MFA


Contact us to bring family engagement, including family literacy, workshops to your staff and community.-


The Positive and Engaged Learning Community: Insights


Building Up Trust with Positive Connections